Q13 – Why it hurts

Q13I’ve spent a little time hammering Q13 for its censorship and editorial conspiracy issues lately, and I thought it was time to hand out some kudos.

Darren Dedo did a story on tow truck driver Gordon Simmons on this morning’s show. It was great. Darren’s writing was outstanding, and the photog/editor did an amazing job composing shots, weaving sound and really bringing out the story’s affable main character.

And that’s what sucks when management lets down a news organization – which is what management teams in this business tend to do naturally anyway. But in Q13′s case, it’s clear that there are some talented people in the newsroom who have been tarred with the station’s historic lapse.

If you didn’t get a chance to see Dedo’s story, check it out –

With that story, Dedo has put himself right up there with some of the few remaining top notch story tellers in this market.

If I were king, I’d like to see a lot more of that kind of work from Dedo and whoever he teamed up with for that story. Yep – I said it – I’d help them shun the daily turn and burn for some storytelling!

If you know who the photog was – post it here for a little credit since there’s really nobody in the building in a position to give him an attaboy (or girl).

Kaci Atchison’s roller derby live shots were cute too – it’s not big J content of course – but for a little AM levity, it worked well.